Camp Blue Skies State of Mind

A case of "the blues" can sometimes follow powerful group experiences like a week at camp. To combat the letdown, here are five thoughts on how to blend the best parts of camp into your everyday life.

5. Make a new friend or ask a fun question!

Friendships happen on many levels.  Make a new friend next time you check out at the store by sincerely saying, "Hello" and asking the cashier how they are doing.  Even easier, ask a friend an interesting question (what’s your favorite vegetable/song/summer activity) to deepen your friendship.

4. Try something new.

Camp is all about stepping out of your comfort zone.  For some that means feeling the wind blow through their hair while trying the zipline for the first time.  For others it may be trying a new food, acting silly,  or dancing with reckless abandon

Outside of camp, stepping out of your comfort zone can range from trying a new item at your favorite restaurant to going sky diving for the first time. Either way, doing something that scares you keeps life exciting and rewarding.

3. Slow down and enjoy the moment.

Looking at the sun sparkle on water, noticing for the first time how beautiful a silhouetted tree looks at dusk, finding a moment to laugh with friends may seem like camp specific events, but they don't have to be.  Here are some tips on how to slow down in the modern world and enjoy the moment.

2. Tap into a new community.

Being part of a community is a way to learn new skills, strengthen your social network and live a fuller life. If you are interested in making more connections with adults with developmental disabilities, here are some programs who have earned the Camp Blue Skies seal of approval.

1. Enjoy the small things.

Sometimes joy can be found in the tiniest of details. Asking yourself some questions may help uncover some of the fantastic details in your life. For example, what do you love about your house, car, partner, neighborhood, closet, bathroom, new jacket? There has to be something in your world that simply makes you happy.

Camp allows for us to slow down and notice these small pleasures. The evidence can be found with every smile, laugh and hello. Why not bring this part of camp into your everyday?

Good luck with bringing the Camp Blue Skies love home. Hope you can be a part of our community this October in North Carolina or next March in Atlanta, GA.

Please post below what keeps you in a positive Camp Blue Skies state of mind -- we'd love to share it.

Liz G., Camp Blue Skies Staff

Michelle Jones

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